Unisex PG in CoxTown, Bangalore
Without meals, Kitchen area is provided for self cooking Price…
Rs.6,999 Rs.8,000
277 to 282 out of 334 properties
Without meals, Kitchen area is provided for self cooking Price…
Rs.6,999 Rs.8,000
5 Sharing: Rs.5199/-4 Sharing: Rs.5499/-3 Sharing: Rs.6499/-2 Sharing: Rs.7999/-Single:…
Rs.5,499 Rs.6,000
Four Sharing: Rs. 6499Triple Sharing: Rs. 5699Double Sharing: Rs. 10,499Single…
Rs.6,499 Rs.7,500
3 times meals with all amenities Single Occupancy 10,9992 sharing…
Rs.5,999 Rs.6,500
Prices of all sharings: Single Occupancy: Rs. 14,999/-2 Sharing: Rs.…
Rs.4,999 Rs.5,500
Single Occupancy – Rs. 14,999/-Double Occupancy – Rs. 7999/-Triple Occupancy…
Rs.6,499 Rs.7,500